My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Bob, a 12-year-old boy, discovers he is adopted and embarks on a journey to find his birth parents.
    by Writers Workshop
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  • An adventure book based on unstable unicorns, some unicorns try to find three secrets... at the mountain where they were lost.
    by Writers Workshop
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  • by Writers Workshop
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  • MountainClan faces the threat of flooding due to the Great Melt. They decide to move to ForestClan's territory, but ForestClan suggests DesertClan as a new home. MountainClan settles at the bottom of the mountain and is grateful for their new life.
    by Writers Workshop
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  • James, Jessica, and their pet monkey encounter a lonely sushi at the food court. Another sushi arrives, leading to a chaotic chase. A cop saves the day by splitting the sushi and everyone is grateful.
    by Writers Workshop
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