My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • by yeldal
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  • Captain Jack Morgan, a pirate, loses his crew and supplies in a storm. He finds an island inhabited by one-eyed giants who help him return home.
    by yeldal
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  • Bella, a girl living near a forest, befriends fairies and falls in love with a boy. When he cuts down the trees, Bella makes him replant them. The moral is to appreciate nature.
    by yeldal
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  • A boy named Elvis faces three challenges from a dangerous witch, but with the help of a magical mermaid, he overcomes them and learns a valuable lesson.
    by yeldal
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  • Four girls with special powers are kidnapped by ogres but manage to escape with the help of animals and their powers. They learn the importance of unity and diversity.
    by yeldal
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