My Published Books (4)

  • Mea shares positive affirmations to build confidence in dance, school, and life, encouraging readers to focus on self-improvement and joy in daily activities.
    by Dr. M Ballerina
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  • This book is for all dancers. Intent is to bring hope, options and new goals to all. It is great for those who got injured or in some way discouraged in the process of becoming a dancer.
    by Dr. M Ballerina
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  • Mea learns about nutrition and healthy eating by observing her friends and reading the dietary guidelines. She makes better food choices for her health.
    by Dr. M Ballerina
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  • This book is about skill building and learning to be resourceful. We can all get better in dance, even just a little bit better. The impact of resourcefulness and improvement is valuable for our wellbeing. Happy dancing!
    by Dr. M Ballerina
    Eye Icon 22
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