My Published Books (1)

  • Frank and jack save the day by killing the sea Monster.
    And Frank has super powers.
    by Frank De Connick
    Eye Icon 460
    Star Icon 46

My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • this is my trip to LEGOLAND New York MINILAND EXHIBIT!!!
    by Frank De Connick
    Eye Icon 12
    Star Icon 2
  • A child visits a friend's house against their father's wishes and gains superpowers, setting up the next book in the series.
    by Frank De Connick
    Eye Icon 59
    Star Icon 11
  • This book as knock knock jokes!
    by Frank De Connick
    Eye Icon 72
    Star Icon 16
  • This book is about what elf's do when you sleep.
    by Frank De Connick
    Eye Icon 60
    Star Icon 11
  • A group of hikers encounter a sleeping tiger on a mountain. One person's scream wakes up the tiger, leading to a chase and a dramatic ending on a highway.
    by Frank De Connick
    Eye Icon 50
    Star Icon 8

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