My Published Books (2)

  • A collection of short stories about various characters, each with their own dreams and adventures.
    by Ryleigh Cook
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  • Katie and Susie, two sisters, become fairies and help save their village from monsters.
    by Ryleigh Cook
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My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • This book provides information about giant pandas, including their diet, predators, threats, and conservation efforts.
    by Ryleigh Cook
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  • Saul, a bad guy, has a vision of Jesus and becomes a believer named Paul. He is sent out to make other believers.
    by Ryleigh Cook
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  • Mr. and Mrs. Elephant meet Noah and go on the ark during a flood. After the flood, they see a rainbow and God promises to never flood the earth again.
    by Ryleigh Cook
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  • by Ryleigh Cook
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  • Ryleigh and Mason, who live far from their grandparents, discover a secret door in their closet that takes them to their grandparents' house. They have fun adventures together and create lasting memories.
    by Ryleigh Cook
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  • Little Piggy goes on an adventure with Tango, a talking bird. They encounter a volcano and save the day.
    by Ryleigh Cook
    Eye Icon 17
    Star Icon 5

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