My Published Books (1)

My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • by Kavya Bhagat
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  • Two girls, Ella and Saige, have a falling out after listening to a bully. With the help of their friend Rhonda, they reconcile and become best friends again.
    by Kavya Bhagat
    Eye Icon 52
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  • Amber, a girl who wants to be a warrior, secretly attends an army camp and learns from Sir Luke. She helps win a war and becomes a warrior.
    by Kavya Bhagat
    Eye Icon 29
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  • Alma, a girl from Bonville, embarks on a journey to find out why her village turned into a desert. She encounters a crow and an orca who help her reach the dark forest where she meets the dragon responsible for the transformation. Alma convinces the drago
    by Kavya Bhagat
    Eye Icon 38
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