My Published Books (1)

  • A mix of Dad jokes, corny jokes, and the best jokes ever!!!
    by Austin Sagers
    Eye Icon 807
    Star Icon 84

My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A book full of facts about the world of Ninjago, including its characters, their weapons, and their battles against various enemies.
    by Austin Sagers
    Eye Icon 178
    Star Icon 12
  • This is an attractive book about Hanoi that will teach you all about it. It has pictures and fun facts.
    by Austin Sagers
    Eye Icon 53
    Star Icon 4
  • This is a book that will be best if your parents read it to you. If you buy an E-book, thanks.
    by Austin Sagers
    Eye Icon 57
    Star Icon 10
  • Here are 4 weird looking animals. Have fun!!!!!!!
    by Austin Sagers
    Eye Icon 48
    Star Icon 8
  • This is a funny, lovable story about what can happen in your body. Of course it is fictional, but viruses can sneak into your body and make you very sick. At the time I wrote this, the corona-virus was a horrible virus that could make you super, duper sick.
    by Austin Sagers
    Eye Icon 93
    Star Icon 8

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