My Published Books (1)

  • This book is about 4 friends and how to want to save the world from all its evil. While going to the moon something happed.

    If you want more Super Animal Friends, look for Super Animal Friends 2 the great sea adventure.
    by Aiden Voigt
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My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • Make sure you read the first Super Animal Friends book.
    The Super Animal Friends were just sleeping when two of them are kidnaped and put into the sea.

    Super Animal Friends 3 is out. it is called Beach Fun and Sadness.
    by Aiden Voigt
    Eye Icon 78
    Star Icon 19
  • Make sure you read the 1st and 2d Super Animal Friends frist.

    the super animal friends are having fun at the beach after something sad... they also have to defeat a robot army.

    more books coming soon.
    by Aiden Voigt
    Eye Icon 63
    Star Icon 11
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