My Published Books (1)

  • An alphabetical list of cat characters with descriptions of their appearance and personality traits.
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 619
    Star Icon 71

My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • This is part two of ABC’s Of Warrior Cats by Jello Keeton
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 134
    Star Icon 26
  • This is a billingual book in spanish and english about habitat loss and deforestation.
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 63
    Star Icon 5
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 165
    Star Icon 24
  • In this book a normal girl named fire,her twin storm and their best friends Wolf and Crow find out horrible news animal hunters in New York! Can they survive the exiting filled journey to save New York from the animal hunters? read the book to find out!
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 45
    Star Icon 13
  • Learn about the holidays!
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 28
    Star Icon 6
  • An informative book about the eight planets in our solar system, providing basic facts and characteristics of each planet.
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 8
    Star Icon 1
  • A simple and straightforward book that introduces the planets in our solar system.
    by Jello Keeton
    Eye Icon 23
    Star Icon 7

My Collection - "The writing club" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Me and Friends Books" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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