My Published Books (1)

  • Cindy and Blake, a childless couple, are given a baby by a prostitute. They adopt him and raise him to become a doctor. He saves a dying homeless woman's soul.
    by Ken Taylor
    Eye Icon 151
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My Public / Unpublished Books (66)

  • Fantastic read! It's a must for those wanting to know future events!
    by Ken Taylor
  • Good quick read. Touching on weak attitudes about moral decence and true Christian zeal.
    by Ken Taylor
  • Flint, a cowboy, is mistakenly strung up by a wild bunch of cowboys. He seeks revenge and confronts them, but they end up apologizing.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • A story about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus, highlighting the consequences of selfishness and the importance of trust in God.
    by Ken Taylor
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    by Ken Taylor
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  • This is a very timely and interesting story.The ending is very thought provoking.
    by Ken Taylor
  • This is a very interesting story.Enjoy now!
    by Ken Taylor
  • This is an exciting read to make us all think of how important it is to practice honesty and truth.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Seriously my friend, this short story has an important message that is needed in this turbulent world!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Great Read! Do it today!
    by Ken Taylor
  • by Ken Taylor
  • The story discusses the importance of books and introduces two important books: the King James Bible and the Book of Life.
    by Ken Taylor
  • This booklet is short and powerful. Don't Waste another minute! This is for you!
    by Ken Taylor
  • Harold, a homeless man, finds hope and redemption at a mission service. He faces judgment at a church but wins hearts with his love for a child.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Set in 1967, the story revolves around a preacher's family living on a ranch in Texas. The family faces threats from their neighbors due to the preacher's stance against drugs and alcohol. A shooting incident leads to an unexpected encounter with a biker gang, resulting in a spiritual transformation for the gang members.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • by Ken Taylor
  • The story discusses different individuals and their beliefs about heaven and the afterlife, emphasizing the importance of repentance and faith in God.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • A personal narrative about a motorcycle accident and the author's spiritual awakening and recovery.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Sure everyone says they're going to heaven someday,
    but is that really the truth? You decide.
    by Ken Taylor
  • Story with a purpose! Be sure to read all the way to the end.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • by Ken Taylor
  • Millie has quiet an experience on her first day at school,read and enjoy!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • How are you spending your time? See several examples.
    by Ken Taylor
  • Read how anger grips the heart and brings....
    by Ken Taylor
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  • My friend, this booklet is brief and is a very important topic for you, or someone you love. thank you.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Margo, a troubled woman in jail, attends a church service led by Evangelist Keith Jameson. Through his sermon on the Prodigal Son, Margo finds redemption and decides to give up her wild life.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Hold on to your hat! This is a great read. It will be worth your time, enjoy.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • A religious text that discusses the life, miracles, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the importance of accepting him as Lord and Savior.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Cameron, a teenager, experiences strange events on the road that make him reflect on his life and faith.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Christians must get busy in the work of sharing the good news of the gospel.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • The terrible cost of war. Scars on the body and mind and the memory that refuses to be soothed easily. The agony of war will never be cured until the Prince of Peace makes it so.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • This earth is deteriorating quickly. It bares the weight of roaring tidal waves of sin. Earthlings for the most part are oblivious to the cataclysmic conclusion.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Great read! The forces of evil make beautiful packages but their allurement is dangerous..and a sticky trap!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • This is a great read! Learn more about the dangers of entertainment delusion.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Johnny finds unusual twist and turns in his quest for truth!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • An interesting story, a must read. A story of lifes twist and turns, the answer is revealed in the final pages.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Now why would anyone miss an opportunity to ride these fantastic stallions? Read and find out how you can!
    by Ken Taylor
  • Judge Harold Payne, undercover in a jail, exposes corrupt guard Mad Max and preaches a powerful message on compassion and redemption.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • A story about an escape artist and magician, followed by a religious message about choosing the right door to eternal happiness.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • You may get what you want but you may not want what you get!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • An exciting story of the old west. Follow Charlie as he finds a new direction in life.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Fame and success comes at a high cost for one talented young man!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • This is a very important read, please don't miss it!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Two soldiers on two vastly different paths. See their escapades and their results.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Strange events are happening across our world. They are all leading to a dangerous and exciting conclusion. The signs are truly everywhere. Where will we fit?
    by Ken Taylor
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  • This is a short look at a few interesting fountains.
    I hope one of them will be to your liking.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Indeed, this is a must-read for all who crave a reasonable life! There is a reason for so many unhappy people! The last few pages will encourage many readers!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Millions will miss heaven because of procrastination.
    This is an exciting story of two people in love. See which one gets in trouble.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • An eye-opening story that warns all of us to consider our eternity and to be ready for any event that unfolds.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • This is an interesting book. How important it is to have friends that really care about you.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Children love to hear mamas and dads read! Follow little Brenda in this heart-stirring story!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Yeah, this story is fun and exciting! A strange twist at the ending. Enjoy, this is for you!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • How important it is to love our children.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • An interesting story and it may happen soon!.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Strange paradox that two who are so different become lasting friends.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Courage is an attribute we all need to face life's
    challenges. Learn how two teenagers discover the answer to successful living.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Bobby plans to jump over a car on the highway but is stopped by a dog. He learns a lesson about bike safety.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • On his 70th birthday, preacher Hank Kent encounters a dangerous biker gang. With the help of his wife Louise, he turns their lives around.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • The world is drawing near to the time the Bible describes as the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" This seven-year period you will want to miss!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Storms are inevitable in all our lives. See how several lives are changed for the better in this tale of stormy seas.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Follow Ricky as he is consumed by passion for the wild life.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • A religious book that explores the significance of trees in various biblical stories, emphasizing their importance and symbolism.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • A funny wild west story read and enjoy!
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Tommy, a selfish boy, learns the importance of prayer and selflessness after his mother falls ill.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Joey, a recently discharged soldier, hitchhikes home and has a life-changing encounter with Buck, a country music star.
    by Ken Taylor
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  • Bob, a dog, loses his bark after being scared by a spider. His friend Blackie tells him the cure for 'palindromous' is to wear a pirate hat, eat an apple, and count backwards. Bob's bark returns, but he refuses to share his food with a cat.
    by Ken Taylor
    Eye Icon 28

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