My Published Books (2)

  • This book is about a group of friends that don't let a kid play with them. But then a caring girl says that he can play with them. Tune in to see the ending!! (I think that every kid like me should have a friend, no matter how hard it is to get one.
    In this book kids will learn that they can be-friend anybody. Just don't be picky about fruits or veggies!!)
    by Matthew Schewel
    Eye Icon 5
  • Sarahbellie's dad joins the military, and she copes with soccer, a new aunt, and an injury. In the end, her family is reunited.
    by Matthew Schewel
    Eye Icon 23
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My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • by Matthew Schewel
  • by Matthew Schewel
  • Ellie navigates a tough day at school, dealing with bullying and family plans, while hoping for a fun day ahead.
    by Matthew Schewel
    Eye Icon 10

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