My Published Books (3)

  • Tia, a girl with big dreams, imagines various careers she could have. With her mother's encouragement, she realizes she can be anything she wants to be.
    by Laborrah Garrett-Sims
    Eye Icon 762
    Star Icon 31
  • A little girl who really want to big and do things that grown-ups do.
    by Laborrah Garrett-Sims
    Eye Icon 12365
    Star Icon 343
  • Williona, a dark-skinned girl, feels different from her classmates and cousin. Her mom helps her understand that diversity is beautiful and what truly matters.
    by Laborrah Garrett-Sims
    Eye Icon 1028
    Star Icon 60

My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • This story is about a mother who is going to be surrogate and helps her child understand what it means for her mom to be a surrogate.
    by Laborrah Garrett-Sims
    Eye Icon 583
    Star Icon 27

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