My Published Books (1)

  • Cora, a Hatchimal, discovers a portal to Hatchtopia and explores different magical places with new friends. She eventually gets bought by a girl who loves her.
    by Enya Saliba
    Eye Icon 434
    Star Icon 48

My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • Haley and her friends go to the beach, face challenges in a wet rainforest, and learn the value of friendship through their adventures and mishaps.
    by Enya Saliba
    Eye Icon 5
    Star Icon 1
  • Hailey, Heather, and Kiki discover a magical secret when their reflections turn into fairies. They visit Fairyland and meet Ruby the Red fairy and her friends.
    by Enya Saliba
    Eye Icon 128
    Star Icon 18

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