My Published Books (4)

  • A vampire comes up with a solution to live with neighbors without drinking their blood.
    by Patricia Edwards
    Eye Icon 2626
    Star Icon 69
  • A werewolf takes advice from a wise old bird so he won't scare his friends anymore.
    by Patricia Edwards
    Eye Icon 360
    Star Icon 16
  • A lonely ghost befriends some children on Halloween, but they get scared and run away.
    by Patricia Edwards
    Eye Icon 736
    Star Icon 24
  • A witch's broom proves to the neighbors that she really isn't that bad.
    by Patricia Edwards
    Eye Icon 751
    Star Icon 20

My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Frankenstein, a lonely monster, tries to make friends but faces rejection. He discovers his talent in basketball and becomes the school's new gym teacher.
    by Patricia Edwards
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