My Published Books (2)

My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • To whoever that has a secret, this book is for you.
    by Winnie Liu
  • Olivia, a sick girl, learns about the dangers of going outside during the coronavirus pandemic and finds ways to stay connected with her friends.
    by Winnie Liu
  • To whoever's been left out or bullied before. This book is for you.
    by Winnie Liu
  • All about me
    by Winnie Liu
    Eye Icon 406
    Star Icon 67
  • This is just a thank you book for my friends on StoryJumper. (UPDATED)
    by Winnie Liu
    Eye Icon 525
    Star Icon 68
  • Winnie and Mason have an exciting adventure with Santa on Christmas Eve, helping him deliver presents. They receive special gifts and realize it wasn't just a dream.
    by Winnie Liu
    Eye Icon 377
    Star Icon 63
  • A mermaid named Aqua finds a magic lamp and reunites with her friends after they get lost on an island.
    by Winnie Liu
    Eye Icon 306
    Star Icon 53
  • Isabelle, a Minifairy who is always left out, tries to fit in by buying fairy dust. When it doesn't work, she helps save Olivia and her friends, realizing the true purpose of the fairy dust.
    by Winnie Liu
    Eye Icon 234
    Star Icon 42

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