My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A boy refuses to eat healthy food and only wants lollies, but eventually learns the importance of a balanced diet through a magical spell.
    by Alex Bradshaw
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  • A young child recounts a series of unfortunate events that happened in one day, including being late for school, bad grades, dog poo on the field, and almost drowning.
    by Alex Bradshaw
    Eye Icon 67
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  • You've read the story of Tutankhamen, the late Egyptian pharaoh, but what about the story you've never heard, the story of Tutankhamen's little brother.
    by Alex Bradshaw
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  • Conner and Jack, two homeschoolers turned Scouts, decide to prank bullies at school by leaving love notes in their lockers. The pranks escalate until Peter, one of the bullies, gets revenge and is banned from Scouts.
    by Alex Bradshaw
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  • A boy named Sam moves to a Pokemon fan village and struggles with his dislike for Pokemon and the school's focus on it.
    by Alex Bradshaw
    Eye Icon 216
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  • Will Super Baby save the world?
    by Alex Bradshaw
    Eye Icon 11
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  • Will Alex have a good Christmas for once, or will he be disappointed once again?
    by Alex Bradshaw
    Eye Icon 8
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