My Published Books (4)

  • Leo would love to play a game with you. So pick your answers and see if they match his in this book of, I Spy: Animal Edition.
    by Tonyna Breaux
    Eye Icon 35
    Star Icon 4
  • It is Easter morning, and Julia is excited about the Easter Egg Hunt.

    A special egg must be found to win the prize. Will Julia be the winner?
    by Tonyna Breaux
    Eye Icon 70
    Star Icon 2
  • Meet Charlie, the Christmas Tree, and learn about all the things he enjoys.
    by Tonyna Breaux
    Eye Icon 41
    Star Icon 1
  • Joseph is a king who loves to sing even though many people do not like to hear his voice. He pushes past the hurt and continues to do what he loves the most…singing.
    by Tonyna Breaux
    Eye Icon 227
    Star Icon 10

My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Leo would love to play a game with you. So pick your answers and see if they match his in this book of, I Spy: Sports Edition.
    by Tonyna Breaux
    Eye Icon 21
    Star Icon 1

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My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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