My Published Books (16)

  • Remi feels left out, because he doesn't think he's the "best" at anything. Everything he seems to do is like everyone else...until he discovers the one thing only he is best at.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 42
    Star Icon 6
  • Our 3rd Grandchild was a surprise, this is the journey before he was born.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 15
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  • This book compares life before a Child and life after to show how loved the child id. good for any younger Child
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 20
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  • Dameon, a kind-hearted boy, helps others in a town where people are selfish. Despite being bullied, he continues to spread joy until he falls ill. When he recovers, he finds the town transformed by his actions.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 11
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  • A poetic exploration of darkness, loneliness, and the transformative power of friendship and hope.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 17
  • A young mermaid discovers what it's like to help someone.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 73
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  • Would you really change who your Mother is if you could?
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 18
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  • A detailed account of a baby's first year, including milestones, experiences, and family events.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 88
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  • A year in the life of a young girl, from her 1st birthday to her 2nd Christmas, filled with family, milestones, and life lessons.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 76
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  • A family discovers they're having a baby and speculates about its appearance, weight, gender, and birth details.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 34
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  • We can learn so much from children...find out how.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 16
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  • Myles learns all about how a T-Rex is related to a.....CHICKEN!!
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 31
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  • Kaleigh and Myles watch a caterpillar grow from a caterpillar to a butterfly and then release it.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 9
  • A First Grandchild is the most amazing event, and I wanted something just for her, that hopefully will give her something to always remember me by..and to know how loved she is.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 64
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  • Nothing will ever compare to the birth of a first Grandchild, and I wanted to give our first one something she'd always remember..a book made just about her.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 103
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  • How the Unicorn got her horn, is something of respect and love, things of fairy tales and hopefully, our future.
    by Sherry Kuelz
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My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Superheroes come in all forms and in the Bible there are many superheroes, including the child themselves.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 2
  • Many kids love to pretend to be a Princess and this book tells them about the princesses found in the bible. Not actual princesses but those who are like them.
    by Sherry Kuelz
  • written for all who feel all alone...there is hope.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 3
  • Everyone is special no matter what they look like and 3 loaves of vread find this out.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 6
    Star Icon 1
  • Friendship is like a river, an amazing journey of beauty.
    by Sherry Kuelz
    Eye Icon 30
    Star Icon 5

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