My Published Books (3)

  • A girl named Essence is chosen to be the keeper of the Miracle Forest, where she helps children in need and spreads love. The story is dedicated to a real-life girl named Essence.
    by Isabella Di'Vici
    Eye Icon 231
    Star Icon 9
  • Essence, the Keeper of the Miracle Forest, discovers an Enchanted Treasure Chest that grants her the ability to help children in need. With the assistance of Bella, a unicorn with wings, Essence embarks on a journey to bring happiness and safety to kids around the world.
    by Isabella Di'Vici
    Eye Icon 153
    Star Icon 20
  • A magical forest called the Miracle Forest is only accessible to special kids. Essence, a princess, helps children and visits a boy named Juju who lost his sister. Through Essence's guidance, Juju finds hope and belief in the Miracle Forest.
    by Isabella Di'Vici
    Eye Icon 276
    Star Icon 25
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