My Published Books (1)

  • My name is Alison. I'm nine years old, and I love writing stories. I hope you like my book!
    by Alison Higginbotham
    Eye Icon 118
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My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • Ava is a princess- well, an unusual one I might add. I won't spoil too much by saying she owns a pair of skates. Read on and share this story with your family and friends. I would love to receive some positive comments and purchases of my book.
    by Alison Higginbotham
    Eye Icon 9
    Star Icon 1
  • Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Avery. Find out how Avery makes a difference, and appreciates standing out.
    by Alison Higginbotham
    Eye Icon 23
    Star Icon 3

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