My Published Books (1)

  • Maya, a girl who loves animals, embarks on a magical adventure
    with the help of her best friend, a squirrel named Ruby.
    by Camille Hernandez-Chen
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My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Help Bradley get out of his favorite video game! (If you can…)
    Also if you love video games then this is the book for you.
    by Camille Hernandez-Chen
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  • Amelia goes through a break-up, finds a new boyfriend, deals with stress, has a baby, and the author talks about her own experience in this story
    by Camille Hernandez-Chen
    Eye Icon 10
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  • This book has explanation pages, an afterstory, and facts about the story.
    by Camille Hernandez-Chen
    Eye Icon 8
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  • Thank you for everyone who liked or even read my book.
    by Camille Hernandez-Chen
    Eye Icon 38
    Star Icon 3

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My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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