My Published Books (2)

  • Jay's first day of school takes an unexpected turn when his water bottle comes to life and claims to be a king. Jay must figure out how to turn the water bottle back into a regular object.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
    Eye Icon 87
    Star Icon 9
  • Two butterflies, Zoe and Lyla, have an adventure visiting friends and getting caught by an old man.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
    Eye Icon 1305
    Star Icon 35

My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
  • Two girls, Ellie and Lily, encounter a mean new kid who bullies them and others. They eventually confront the new kid, who apologizes.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
  • by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
  • Katie enters a magical mirror and discovers Food Land, where she befriends the foods. She also meets Lucy, her roommate. After some adventures, Katie returns home with her family.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
  • Five friends named Rebecca, Amanda, Zoe, Sara, and Mackenzie become superheroes and go on various missions to save the day.
    by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
  • by Iyanuoluwa Adeshina
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