My Published Books (1)

  • This is a bilingual book with original artwork, assuring us that angels are all around us. I painted the artwork over the year during the Covid quarantine. It's a great bedtime story for Spanish speaking or English speaking children.
    by Keri DeHerrera
    Eye Icon 517
    Star Icon 20

My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • A guidebook for children to write about themselves in Spanish, including their personal information, childhood memories, and future plans.
    by Keri DeHerrera
    Eye Icon 92
    Star Icon 2
  • This is a summary in Spanish of the activities and lessons we learned in levels 1 & 2, during Covid-19. Online was a different experience, but we had a great year!
    by Keri DeHerrera
    Eye Icon 115
    Star Icon 3

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