My Published Books (4)

  • Why would God order people and all living things to be killed? What about today? Does God still say to kill everything that breathes? Does God just pick and choose how to judge? How do I even know if I am a Christian? Can a Christian fall away from God? What is Baptism? Why should I take communion, go to church, or read the bible?

    These are some of the 16 questions Nelson tackles in this little book. Raised in a pastor's family, having served as a public school educator for over 5 years and now a homeschooling dad to two children, Tim seeks to break down some important questions they will be asking of the Christian faith.

    This is the third book in the series of The Curious Christian: Engaging Children’s Questions on Faith.
    by Tim Nelson
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  • What is gender? How is gender decided? Is choosing your own gender a sin? Are video games good or bad? How do I love someone who is in sin? That is scary and hard! I don’t think I am a Christian, what can I do?!

    These are some of the 12 questions Nelson tackles in this little book. Raised in a pastor's family, having served as a public school educator for over 5 years and now a homeschooling dad to two children, Tim seeks to break down some important questions they will be asking of the Christian faith.

    This is the second book in the series of The Curious Christian: Engaging Children’s Questions on Faith.
    by Tim Nelson
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  • What happens to a baby, or a child if they die before accepting Jesus? What about a person with a mental handicap who dies before accepting Jesus? Do these people go to Heaven or Hell? If I am a Christian what should I expect to happen? When I forgive someone does that mean I have to be friends right away again? Will animals we have known on earth, be with us in Heaven?

    These are some of the 12 questions Nelson tackles in this little book. Raised in a pastor's family, having served as a public school educator for over 5 years and now a homeschooling dad to two children, Tim seeks to break down some important questions they will be asking of the Christian faith.

    This is the fourth book in the series of The Curious Christian: Engaging Children’s Questions in Faith.
    by Tim Nelson
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  • What is the Trinity? I said I was sorry, don't they have to forgive me right now? How can I be a missionary, I am only a kid? I see people who say they are a Christian sinning a lot, I thought we were supposed to be different now?

    These are some of the 17 questions, Nelson tackles in this little book. Raised in a pastor's family, having served as a public school educator for over 5 years and now a homeschooling dad, to two children, Tim seeks to break down some important questions they will be asking of the Christian faith.

    This is the first book in the series, The Curious Christian: Engaging Children's Questions on Faith.
    by Tim Nelson
    Eye Icon 47
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My Collection - "School" Follow Collection

  • ABC's of 4th Grade
    by Tim Nelson

My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

  • ABC's of 4th Grade
    by Tim Nelson
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