My Published Books (1)

  • A day in the life of Everly - a two-year old Australian toddler, and her adventures with family and friends.
    by Donna Kienbaum
    Eye Icon 3659
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My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Work in Progress...

    Sasha, a kind and imaginative six year old, Australian boy, goes about his fun-filled day with family and friends, in his little country town, with a quick adventure into space!!
    by Donna Kienbaum
    Eye Icon 68
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  • Work in Progress

    Everly - a timid and shy little unicorn has a fairy princess party to celebrate her sixth birthday. However her dress is accidentally destroyed on the morning of her party.

    Her one friend, a little duck called Elsie, enlists the help of an assortment of local animals who all become friends as they donate various parts of a new fairy princess costume and join in the trek to Everly's house to help her not only celebrate her day but also offer their friendship.

    Everly learns the value of true friendship as well as embracing what you have.
    by Donna Kienbaum
    Eye Icon 91
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  • A story to help young children cope when estranged from a family member due to an addiction.
    by Donna Kienbaum
    Eye Icon 43
    Star Icon 1
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